Asep saefumillah. Yohana Melrita. Asep saefumillah

 Yohana MelritaAsep saefumillah  Asep Saefumillah Kimia Studi Pembuatan Molecularly Imprinted Polymer dengan Inti Magnetit untuk Pemisahan Tokotrienol 14 Dr

Bapak Asep Saefumillah, Ph. ac. Si. TY - JOUR. Yunarti; Study of phosphate adsorption from aquatic system using fly ash residue modified with magnetite (Fe 3 O 4). Si. Rozana; Nanopolymer-based delivery system is widely developed to enhance the solubility and bioavailability of drugs. 19-12-2020. Print this article. Tidak lupa penulis ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesarnya kepada Dr. Material untuk penyerapan fosfat secara selektif disintesis menggunakan metode ion. Dr. Pengembangan Metode DGT dengan Binding Gel Fe-Al-Oksida dan Pengikat Silang Saefumillah, et. In addition, the researchers are grateful to the National Quality Control Laboratory of Drug and Food (NQCLDF), Indonesia FDA, for providing laboratory access to complete. JARNUZI GUNLAZUARDI . Ajeng Arum Sari *, Rifahny Intan Satria Akhmad, Adelia Anju Asmara, Osi Arutanti, Tony Hadibarata, Andreas, Hasbi Yasin, Asep Saefumillah, Adhi Yuniarto * Corresponding author for this work. id2, [email protected] Tri Putra; Sumi Hudiyono PWS, supervisor; Endang Saefudin, supervisor; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Siswati Setiasih, examiner; Riswijanto, examiner (Universitas Indonesia, 2014) Abstrak. In: Jurnal Kimia VALENSI, Vol. Kamis siang (11/5/2023), bertempat di Gedung Laboratorium Riset Multidisiplin Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI) – PT Pertamina (Persero), Kampus UI, Depok, Wakil Dekan Bidang Sumber Daya, Ventura, dan Administrasi Umum FMIPA UI Dr. Chromium may become contaminants in the soil. id2, askal_m@yahoo. Program Studi : Ilmu Kimia. . Ilmu Kimia (S2) SINTA ID : 6028137 . Asep Saefumillah's 8 research works with 6 citations and 172 reads, including: Development Study of Binding Agent in Diffusive Gradient In Thin Films (DGT) Technique for Absorption of Phosphate. sop PMI DAN PME PDCA. 2309152 Black liquor is generated from the pretreatment process of biomass-based bioethanol production and due its environmental impact, should be treated effectively before discharged to the water body. Together, we will continue developing technologies and providing…. Terima kasih atas waktu, kesabaran, segala bantuan serta diskusinya, meskipun penulis banyak melakukan kesalahan. ui. Tenaga ahli Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) sekaligus Asesor Utama Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN), Asep Saefumillah hadir sebagai narasumber pelatihan. id2, askal_m@yahoo. R1, Asep Saefumillah2, Askal Maimulyanti3 {nopjaar. Indah Permata Sari; Yuni Krisyuningsih, supervisor; Endang Saefudin, supervisor; Agustino Zulys, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Sihombing, Riwandi, examiner. Erzi Rizal Anwar selaku pembimbing akademis, Dr. DKI Jakarta merupakan salah satu daerah urban dengan kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi dan. High homogeneity and stability of platinum particles modified at boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode was successfully performed using chemical seeding, followed by electrodeposition technique. D (Ketua Program Studi S1 Departemen Kimia UI. (7) Asep Saefumillah, S. / The study of phosphate release from artificial sediment into water body using diffusive gradient in thin film (Dgt) device in. Departemen Fisika FMIPA UI Menggelar Seminar Terbuka. Helmiady; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Budiawan, supervisor; Yoki Yulizar, examiner; Tuti Wukirsari, examiner; Rahmat Wibowo, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022) Abstrak. Saepurahman (BRIN) Rp75. 2018. Asep Saefumillah Year: 2021 Synthesized Zeolite from Coal Fly Ash: Effect of Furnace and Acidic Pretreatment on the Characteristic AECON EAI DOI:. , Chemistry, University of Indonesia, Indonesia, 1999: B. Ridla. Pristi Amalia Nurcahyani; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Dita Arifa Nurani, supervisor; Emil Budianto, examiner; Helmiyati, examiner; Endang Asijati Widijaningsih Ichsan, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014) Abstrak. 1 Citation (Scopus) Overview; Fingerprint; Abstract. In this study, Fe-based Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) will be developed as a Accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soils continues to be a worrying problem, such as chromium. Agustiani Asep Saefumillah Hanies [email protected]; amalia. 5. The surface analysis of gel was used in the scanning. Asep Saefumillah, examiner. 1 Program Magister Ilmu Kimia, Departemen Ki mia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pen getahuan Alam, Universitas Indonesia. Jasmina Pertiwi; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Naibaho, Mangasa, supervisor; Yuni Krisyuningsih, supervisor; Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, examiner; Budiawan, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015) Abstrak. ABSTRAK. Reaksi antaraferrihidritdanfosfat (Brudydan Weil, 1999). iso 17025. Paul J Worsfold. Asep Saefumillah*, Dhania Dwi Aprianti, Iman Abdullah, Inna Husna Departemen Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia. Penentuan Kadar Glukosa menggunakan sensor Non-Enzimatik pada saat ini. Widajanti Wibowo selaku ketua KBI Kimia Fisik dan Dra. SINTA Score Overall. rer. Asep Saefumillah Askal Maimulyanti Year: 2021 Bioavailability of Nickel (Ni) in Spiked Soils by Sequential Extraction and Its Bioaccumulation in Basil (Ocimum Africanum L) AECON EAI DOI: 10. WORSFOLD‡ phosphatase, in addition to 31P NMR (8), is a potentially Water Studies Centre, School of Chemistry, Monash important tool for the partial characterization of DOP pools. Budiawan (Wakil Dekan Bidang Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Kemahasiswaan), Dr. Entri tambahan-Nama badan : Universitas Indonesia. arcuatum Blume) is a kind of plant that is mostly used by society for traditional medicine. 19/03/20 → 31/12/20. D menjelaskan materi pengantar ketidakpastian pengukuran Dalam sambutannya, Dekan FMIPA UNM, Drs. How to cite item. The measurement of. 1,2,3,9-Tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-methylene-4H-carbazol-4-one, or often called impurity D ondansetron is contamination in ondansetron which can endanger human health if the value is above the minimum (0. V Sintya, A Saefumillah and A Zulys Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia. Taking advantage of ASEP SAEFUMILLAH,† AND enzyme substrate specificity, the enzymatic hydrolysis using PAUL J. Sc. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2022. (3) Pemerintah Propinsi Jambi melalui Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jambi yang telah memfasilitasi biaya dan kebutuhan perkuliahan selama masa. 8. ABSTRAK. Pak Hedi, Pak Marji, Mas Tris, Mas Hadi, Pak Trisno, Mbak Ina, Mbak Cucu, Mbak Ema, Mbak Tri, Pak Kiri, Pak Bunyamin, Pak Wito danSriparya; Sihombing, Riwandi, supervisor; Yuni Krisyuningsih, supervisor; Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Widyanti Wibowo, examiner. D, Dr. com3} University of Indonesia1,2, AKA Bogor Polytechnic3 Abstract. Synthesized Zeolite from Coal Fly Ash: Effect of Furnace and Acidic Pretreatment on the Characteristic Aini Nadhokhotani Herpi1, Rika Tri Yunarti2, Asep Saefumillah3 {[email protected]. 3 Iman Abdullah Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Material Jejaring. Kampus UI Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia *Contact email: aininadhokhotani@ui. selaku dosen pembimbing saya yang senantiasa membantu dan memberi saran dalam setiap proses penelitian hingga penulisan skripsi ini rampung 2. N. id Candra Kurniawan candra. Bioavailability of the heavy metal speciation in spiked soil can be carried out by sequential extraction method by Tessier with different reagents to obtain. Cakra Kimia (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry) Volume 1, Nomor 1, Mei 2013. The surface analysis of gel was used in the scanning. com Received: October 2017; Revised: November 2017; Accepted: November 2017; Available Online: November2017 Abstrak Tingginya konsentrasi fosfor sebagai fosfat ke dalam sistem akuatik mengakibatkan eutrofikasi yang berujung16 Dr. Print this article. Dr. nat. Helmiady Helmiady Pemeriksa Toksikologi dan Lingkungan Hidup Forensik, Puslabfor Bareskrim Polri Asep Saefumillah Departemen Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok, 16424, Indonesia. Dra. ABSTRAK. Alternatively, you can. 3. , Ph. Si. 1universitas indonesia sintesis polimer superabsorben dari hidrogel kitosan terikat silang skripsi siti prilia muthoharoh 0806453024 fakultas matematika dan ilmu. The treatment process of wastewater contains organic pollutant which used in Indonesia especially in Jakarta is generaly activated sludge process. modifikasi gugus aril pada senyawa kurkumin by iいまAsep Saefumillah Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Indonesia University Jl. Ketiga ekstrak (EH, EK dan EA) diuji toksisitasnya terhadap larva Artemia Salina, diperoleh hasil seperti Tabel 1. (1) Dr. , Ph. Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan. Selain itu Asep Saefumillah, M. id Abstract Penggunaan transportasi umum di DKI Jakarta selama pemberlakuan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) periode April – Mei 2020 meningkatkan kualitas udara secara signifikan, dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019. Wijaya Hadi selaku pembimbing lapangan, Drs. Reaksi Transesterifikasi. Eutrophication is a phenomenon of decreasing air quality caused by the very high amount of phosphate ions in the aquatic system. Abstract. E-mail: a) asep. Dyes have a complex molecular structure that is difficult to degrade and can persist for a long time in water bodies. The surface analysis of. nat. Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar on Chemical Education 2017 September, 12-13th 2017 ISBN: 978-602-73192-1-9 117 % Gel Fraction= 3) Test of Slow Disease of Phosphate Fertilizer (Nasih, 2008)Limbah Tetra Butoksi Titanat (TBT) merupakan limbah B3 yang masih mengandung TiO2 (Titanium Oksida) cukup tinggi. STUDI ADSORPSI FOSFAT MENGGUNAKAN FLY ASH TERMODIFIKASI DARI LIMBAH PEMBAKARAN BATU BARA DAN ARANG AKTIF DARI LIMBAH LINDI HITAM UNTUK. D. ui. In: Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, Vol. , Radyan Prasetyo, Program Pascasarjana UI, 2008. Nopja A. Asep Saefumillah, M. Ridla Bakri selaku Ketua Departemen Kimia UI, Pak Wisnu di BATAN Serpong, PakPreparasi dan karakterisasi suspensi titanium dioksida nanopartikel berbasis medium air dengan menggunakan metode sol-gel dan refluks serta bantuan etilen glikol sebagai surfaktan telah dilakukan. ac. Ratih Kumala Dewi; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Nining Betawati Prihantini, supervisor (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009) Abstrak Penggunaan biomassa alga hijau untuk menyerap logam berat merupakan alternatif pemecahan masalah penanganan pencemaran logam berat di lingkungan perairan. R 1,*, Asep Saefumillah 1, Askal Maimulyanti 2. Si Prof. al. This sensor made from gold electrode installed with a 50 micron nafion membrane and a gelatin biofilm containing immobilized yeast, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa UICC Y - 181. Taking advantage of ASEP SAEFUMILLAH,† AND enzyme substrate specificity, the enzymatic hydrolysis using PAUL J. posted by asep saefumillah at 9:19 PM Suatu Hari di Laboratorium Di suatu siang bulan ramadhan hari ke dua, Phillip seorang saintis dari perancis (postdoctoral fellowyang beruntung memenangkan grant research dari institusi sains bonafide di Erofa: Marie Currie Fellowship) yang selama hampir dua bulan ini bekerja bersama-sama saya. , menyambut. selaku koordinator penelitian yang telah memberikan kesempatan dan bantuan dalam penelitian 5. Universitas Indonesia S2 - Ilmu Kimia SINTA ID : 6028137. Ardina Purnama Tirta; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Foliatini, supervisor; Ridla Bakri, examiner; Antonius Herry Cahyana, examiner; Soleh Kosela, examiner; Endang Saefudin, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016) Abstrak. saefumillah@sci. ac. Asep Saefumillah research is now in the area of environmental monitoring for air quality for gas pollutant and particulate that contain heavy metals. . Biomass as raw material is one solution that can be developed in the management of agricultural, plantation, and industrial waste. This study examines more thoroughly the effectiveness of photodegradation-adsorption of dyes, kinetic aspects, isotherms, thermodynamics, identification of the structure of photodegradation products, and changes in. Mu'izzah Irsyadi Putri, Asep Saefumillah, Ridla Bakri. Si. 11, November 2022 kemudian di stirrer selama 12 jam lalu disentrifugasi selama 15 menit dengan kecepatan 3000 rpm. Dr. TiO2 sebagai bahan semikonduktor yang mempunyai sifat fotokatalitik dan efektif dalam. (4) Bapak Asep Saefumillah S. STUDI KARAKTERISTIK POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS YANG TERIKAT DALAM TOTAL SUSPENDED PARTICULATE PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19. saefumillah@sci. Widhi Susanti; Ivandini Tribidasari Anggraningrum, supervisor; Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, supervisor; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Sihombing, Riwandi, examiner; Widayanti. Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Asep Saefumillah Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on PowerShow. 17/04/2014. Selamat kepada Dr. Si. Neni Isnaeni 1,2a, Asep Saefumillah 1,b * and Antonius Herry Cahyana 1,c 1 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java. ABSTRAK. Asam azelat sebagai obat jerawat dalam. 477. Asep Saefumillah-Analisis Terapan. D menjelaskan materi pengantar ketidakpastian pengukuran . The utilization of biomass-derived from waste can help reduce pollution and. ac. a), and A Zulys. , 2007. Asep Saefumillah Year: 2021 Synthesized Zeolite from Coal Fly Ash: Effect of Furnace and Acidic Pretreatment on the Characteristic AECON EAI DOI: 10. Dwi Andiyani; Yoki Yulizar, supervisor; Tresye Utari, promotor; Ridla Bakri, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Ivandini Tribidasari Anggraningrum, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2014) Abstrak. Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. pengajar departemen kimia UI, Dr. The diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technique is a promising method for phosphate absorption because it can be used in situ. Mohamad Rafi, S. 2 Asep Saefumillah Studi Adsorpsi Fosfat Menggunakan Fly Ash Termodifikasi dari Limbah Pembakaran Batu Bara dan Arang Aktif dari Limbah Lindi Hitam untuk Mengatasi Fenomena Algae Bloom dalam Sistem Akuatik Affordable and Clean Energy . Radyan Prasetyo; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Soemarno Witoro Soelarno, supervisor; R. Akademis, Dr. Erzi Rizal Anwar selaku. Antioksidan t-BHQ dapat meningkatkan kerusakan oksidatif DNA yang ditandai dengan jumlah 8-OHdG yang meningkat. Asep Saefumillah selaku Koordinator Penelitian dan Pembimbing Akademik selama di Departemen Kimia, Bapak Dr. ac. Dr. Karakterisasi FTIR dan XRD pada sampel membran menunjukkan telah terbentuk komposit yang terdiri dari puncak serapan unsur penyusun yang diperkuat dengan tidak terbentuknya puncak serapan baru pada data FTIR maupun. Masuknya fosfor sebagai senyawa fosfat ke dalam sistem akuatik mengakibatkan eutrofikasi yang berujung pada terjadinya algae blooming. Laboratorium di PT ANTAM Tbk. Expand. Subjek : Hydroprocessing--Oil. ”. rer. Tresye Utari, M. 4108/eai. Preparation and Characterization of Transparent Conductive SnO 2-F Thin Film Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis: Relationship between Loading Level and Some Physical Properties. posted on 2021-06-24, 05:10 authored by Asep Saefumillah This thesis was scanned from the print manuscript for digital preservation and is copyright the author. ui. 000. id: Office: G Building, Level 2, FMIPA UI: Phone +6221-7270027: Education: Ph. Therefore, developing an in-situ technique to measure the release of. Asep Saefumillah, Ratsania Rahmaniarti H Departemen Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia. From this research, all of compounds have potency to trigger the formation of DNA Adduct (8-OHdG) and the ratio of absorbance to assess the purity of DNA at 260 nm and 280 nm (λ260/ λ280) is measured. Endang Saepudin selaku ketua program ekstensi dan Bapak Dr. ”), Bapak Dr. Si. Asep Saefumillah; Dewangga Oky Bagus Apriandanu; R. Dr. Evaluasi Potensi Effek.